NECL Services

Unit of Local Probe, Structure and Lattice Dynamics

Raman Spectroscopy

Micro and Macro-Raman with variable temperature (4.5–1500 K) magnetic field (up to 7 T) and pressure (up to 100 GPa). The 632.8, 514, and 488 nm lasers are available as excitation with adjustable incident power. Spectral range from 5 to 4000 cm-1 with a resolution better than 1.5 cm-1.

Available at IFIMUP-FCUP:

Renishaw Qontor Confocal Raman Microscope.

High-Resolution X-Ray Diffraction

High-resolution powders/thin-film x-ray diffraction under pressure till 100 GPa and from cryogenic temperatures up to 1000K temperatures. Offers reflectivity for film thickness, roughness and density determination; pole figures and phi scans for texture and stress measurements. With Kα 2 elimination.

Available at IFIMUP-FCUP:

Rigaku SmartLab X-Ray Diffractometer.

Mössbauer Spectroscopy

Mössbauer spectroscopy analysis with gamma and conversion electron detectors under intense magnetic field (up to 7 T) and variable temperature from 10 to 1000 K. Used sources are 57Co and 151Sm for 57Fe and 151Eu, respectively. 119mSn is acquired whenever justified.

Available at


  • C2TN-IST;

  • BioISI-FCUL.

Perturbed Angular Correlation Spectroscopy (PAC)

Perturbed Angular Correlation Local Probe measurements under intense magnetic field (up to 7 T) and variable temperature from 2K to 1200 K.

Available at IFIMUP-FCUP.

Unit of Thermo-Physical Properties Measurements


Magnetic properties studies under applied magnetic fields up to 12 Tesla and within the temperature range of 1.8–600 K. 3He insert is available for measurements down to 0.3 K.

Secondary pick-up coils allow transverse measurements. AC (0.01- 10kHz ) susceptibility measurements are possible.

Available at:

  • IFIMUP-FCUP (Quantum Design MPMS3);

  • C2TN-IST;

  • BioISI-FCUL.

Electrical Properties

Automated Systems for electrical property measurements with records of static magnetic fields (18T) and pulsed magnetic fields (26T) as well as the lowest temperature (0.3K) oven up to 1000K.

Available at:

  • IFIMUP-FCUP (Quantum Design PPMS);

  • C2TN-IST.

Thermal Properties

Thermal properties of materials in a wide range of temperature and magnetic fields, ranging from 2K to 400K and magnetic fields up to 9T. Thermal conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, electrical resistivity Thermoelectric figure of merit, and specific heat.

Available at:

  • IFIMUP-FCUP (Quantum Design PPMS);

  • C2TN-IST.

Custom Multi-Function Probe

Multi-Function Probe with special sample stage for customer defined experiments also include calibrated thermometer and sample boards n a wide range of temperature and magnetic fields, ranging from 2K to 400K and magnetic fields up to 9 Tesla.

Available at IFIMUP-FCUP (Quantum Design PPMS).

Unit of Ultrafast Spectroscopy of Spin Dynamics

Ultrafast TR-MOKE/Faraday Spectroscopy

Time-resolved magneto-optical (TR-MO) system with access to various temporal regimes (30 fs and unprecedented sub-5-fs resolutions) for the study of the ultrafast magnetic dynamics over the visible-NIR spectral range.

Available at FCUP.

Extreme-Ultraviolet (XUV) Spectroscopy

Time-resolved MOKE and magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) system to study the ultrafast magnetic dynamics by pump-probe technique with sensitivity to specific elements, based on the only extreme ultraviolet (XUV) light source in the country.

Available at FCUP.

THz Spectroscopy

THz spectroscopy for the study of new materials and devices (magnetic materials, 2D materials, molecules, and plasmonic devices, among others), using a unique home-built Terahertz (THz) source that delivers ultrashort THz pulses with broadband spectra up to 10 THz.

Available at FCUP.

High-Power Ultrafast Laser for Materials Processing

High-power ultrafast laser and setup for materials processing, enabling production of nanoparticles by femtosecond laser ablation, with applications in materials science and biomedicine.

Available at FCUP.

Service of He Cryogenics, Liquefaction, Distribution and Gas Recovery

HS - Liquefaction, storage and distribution of liquid He, and recovery of helium gas from liquid consumers, ensuring the efficient management of helium as a limited and valuable resource. Ensures advanced training on cryogenic liquids handling and on the design and development of cryogenic systems.

Available at:

  • IFIMUP-FCUP (Quantum Design NexGen 160);

  • C2TN-IST.