NECL researchers organized the workshop Neutron and Muons: from Science to Society
On 19th January 2022 researchers Joaquim Agostinho Moreira and Rui Vilarinho organized the workshop Neutron and Muons: from Science to Society, with resident researchers and beamline directors from the CERN/n-TOF, ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, Paul Scherrer Institute, and Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL). The Local probe, structure and lattice dynamics Unit from NECL is an integrated facility that works as a complementary service for the sample characterization for applying proposals to these large infrastructures.
Canine cancer diagnosis by Raman spectroscopy featured in 90 Segundos Ciência
The study of cancer diagnosis in canine mammary cells performed with the Raman spectrometer from NECL was featured through an interview to Rui Vilarinho for the scientific dissemination program 90 segundos Ciência, broadcasted January 17th in Antena 1.
First litres of liquid helium have been produced at the University of Porto after 30 years break
Today morning, on November 4, 2021, first litres of helium were liquified at IFIMUP – the Institute of Physics for Advanced Materials, Nanotechnology and Photonics operating at Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto.
It became possible thanks to the Network of Extreme Conditions Laboratories (NECL) financed through the project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-022096 and installed new helium liquefier NexGen 160 from Quantum Design, USA.
New cryogenics equipment is arriving to IFIMUP and NECL
The works on installation of new equipment for thermo-physical properties measurements and helium recovery system have begun at IFIMUP, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, on November 2, 2021. New facilities are the flagships in modern cryogenics equipment from Quantum Design company and they will enhance research units of the institute and Network of Extreme Conditions Laboratories:
Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS);
SQUID Magnetometer Quantum Design MPMS 3;
Liquid helium recovery system: NexGen 160 helium liquefier, purifier, compressor, He storage etc.
Installation of new equipment also required prior preparation of the laboratories and helium recovery lines, which was done during 2021. The scheduled works will last full months and full operation is expected at the beginning of December, 2021. Below one may found photos from the initial unboxing and installation of the facilities.
NECL Unit 3 receives a new ultrafast laser amplifier in Porto
Installed in April 2021 at NECL Unit of ultrafast spectroscopy of spin dynamics (Unit 3), this new laser amplifier allow conducting experiments at higher pulse energies as well as testing the energy scaling of nonlinear optical phenomena. This new system will enable more researchers to conduct experiments in parallel via beam sharing.
The new Astrella femtosecond laser amplifier from Coherent Inc. delivers up to 7 mJ pulses with < 35 fs duration at a repetition rate of 1 kHz. This system can also deliver CEP stabilized 6 nJ pulses with sub-12 fs duration at a repetition rate of 80 MHz from the included Vitara laser oscillator. This is the first and so far only CEP-ready Astrella system in operation in the world.
This system is a key tool for advanced (high-resolution and CEP-dependent) ultrafast science, including ultrafast nonlinear optics, ultrafast laser-matter interaction, ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy experiments and THz studies.
Raman spectrometer was used for art author assignment
The Raman spectrometer from NECL was able to assign the authorship to the artist Jaime Fernandes of a of artistic drawings from the Treger/Saint Silvestre collection. This was possible from the comparison of the vibrational signature of the used pen inks in these drawings.
Raman spectrometer at IFIMUP is able to distinguish mammary cancer cells in canines
A study carried out in the Raman spectrometer from NECL proved that it is possible to perform cancer diagnosis in canine mammary cells. This study was published in the scientific journal Animals, and can pave the way for human cancer diagnosis with a non-invasive technique.
You may know more details about the research from the paper published in Open Access Journal (Special Issue Biomarkers in Animal Health and Disease): please, click here.
Installation of new Raman spectrometer
The new Renishaw inVia Qontor Raman spectrometer, the best state-of-the-art commercially available equipment, was installed at the NECL laboratory in the 5th of November of 2018. It is equipped with 3 excitation lasers (532, 633 and 785 nm) and a Bragg filter for measurements down to 5 cm-1. It also has different sample environments to measure from 3 to 1500K, under applied magnetic field (up to 7 T) or applied electric field, and under hydrostatic pressure (up to 100 GPa). These characteristics make it a powerful equipment comparable to the bests in the world.